Innovative new way to speed up mydriasis has been found by Théa

Théa’s innovation at an international congress

What is mydriasis?

The pupil is a dark circular opening in the centre of the eye, surrounded by the iris. When a patient has to undergo cataract surgery, the surgeon needs to dilate the pupil to allow access to the back of the eye. This dilation is called mydriasis.

Before this breakthrough, the dilation of the pupil took a long time. Before cataract surgery, a nurse had to instill the previous products every ten minutes for 30 minutes in the patient’s eye. Sometimes the mydriasis wasn’t stable until the end of the surgery and patients needed a new addition- new Mydriatic eye drops.

The new process allows the possibility to dilate the patient directly in the operating room. It’s the first and only European Approved product in this field.